During the CEN Workshop about ICT skills, IWA International Executive Director Director Richard S. Brinegar, annunced that have signed the pledge for Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs.
IWA, leading international Web professional association, with presence in more than 100 countries worldwide, supports the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) Pledge to promote the e-CF as a common language for ICT competences and to foster the adoption of the e-CF as a European Standard for development of third generation (G3) Web Skills Profiles, our worldwide standard for web professionals.
The e-CF is a reference framework of 36 ICT competences that can be used and understood by ICT user and supply companies, the public sector, educational and social partners across Europe. This framework has been developed in the context of the CEN Workshop on ICT Skills which is participated by IWA.
IWA intend to export worldwide the E-CF Model and 36 competences, due these are the baseline for IWA Web Skills Profiles (G3 Web Skills Profiles).